Budget management
Do you find it difficult to pay your bills on time? Don't you have an overview of your income and expenditure? Do you require temporary help with your financial affairs? Are you afraid that you may experience money problems? Kredietbank can help you by managing your financial affairs temporarily.
All fixed expenses and other financial obligations are managed for you on time. This gives you assurance and peace of mind. You will learn how to get better at managing your financial affairs and money problems. The goal of budget management is that you will be able to arrange your own financial affairs properly in the future.
Budget management can consist of Budget Management Basic (Budgetbeheer Basis) and Budget Management Total (Budgetbeheer Totaal).
If you think you qualify for budget management, register for Help with money problems or debts.
Budget Management Basic
Your income is transferred to Kredietbank. Kredietbank pays your fixed outgoings, such as rent, energy costs, health insurance and, where applicable, the repayment of a loan or debt to Kredietbank. Any income that remains is paid to you. From this amount, you pay all of your other bills.
With Budget Management Basic, it is assessed per situation whether budget guidance would be helpful.
Budget Management Total
Your income is transferred to Kredietbank. Kredietbank pays your fixed outgoings, such as rent, energy costs and health insurance and, where applicable, the repayment of debts and it reserves money for unforeseen expenditure and annually recurring costs, such as council tax and insurance. Each week, you will receive an amount for your household expenses.
With Budget Management Total, you must always have budget guidance. You will receive the guidance of a social worker or debt counsellor, who will help you to better understand and manage your financial affairs.
My Portal
You can see all information and credits and debits in My Portal. You will not receive paper copies.
Explanation Video
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